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Community service is a tenet of Catholicism, and The Academy includes service as part of our curriculum.  During the year, students will be involved in activities of service for others. At Christmastime, our kindergarten, first, and eighth grade students visit the Presbyterian Homes to sing with the residents and spread Christmas joy to all. Our middle school classes participate in the Giving Tree where they buy presents for families in need.  Sixth grade takes a field trip to the Kindness Connection where they create a heartfelt gifts for a veteran, a senior citizen or a child who will be spending the holiday in the hospital. Many of our classes make Christmas cards for senior citizens.  Throughout the year, our classes make bag lunches and goody bags for the Soup Kitchen, and in the Spring we have a school-wide service project focused on kindness day.  


Sacrament preparations are made in conjunction with the St. Joan of Arc parish.  Our second graders receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion in May.  Confirmation preparation begins in 7th grade and culminates with the sacrament during the spring of 8th grade.